
SURVEY: Navigating Change - Nov 2022

Please complete the interactive survey below as you watch the recording or directly afterwards. Your responses will be kept anonymous - it's great to get your thoughts and deepen your learning.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 6

Pop "All aboard" in the space below

Question 2 of 6

What best describes where you're at with Change Management?


A) I’d like to make the career change to Change


B) I’m a newbie in Change - 1-2 years in


C) I’m a seasoned Change practitioner - 2+ years


D) I’m a Project Manager curious about Change


E) I’m a business leader with a passion for Change

Question 3 of 6

How confident are you at the moment in leading change?


A) Super confident – bring it on!


B) Somewhat confident – I get by


C) Not so confident – I’m not sure sometimes


D) I don’t lead change yet

Question 4 of 6

What's the missing ingredient?

Question 5 of 6

Yes / No: Would you like a quick phone call to discuss if Leading Successful Change is right at this time for you and/or your team - group packages are also available? (if yes, pop your mobile number below and I'll give you a buzz).

Question 6 of 6

What was your best thing from the webinar (something you found interesting, insightful or just enjoyed)?

Confirm and Submit