Please complete the interactive survey below as you watch the webinar recording or directly afterwards. Your responses will be anonymised and synthesised with the rest of the data and collated into the Future of Change white paper you will receive for helping you plan your change for 2025.
Click the button below to start.
Question 1 of 8
Who are you?
A) A leader responsible for setting up teams and hiring talent
B) A Transformation, Change or Project practitioner not responsible for hiring
C) A recruiter or Talent Acquisition expert
D) Other - let us know in comments at the end
Question 2 of 8
What percentage of your Change roles currently or being hired are Fixed Term / Permanent? (if not a hiring manager/recruiter, share from your experience of the Change market)
A) 0-25%
B) 25-50%
C) 50-75%
D) 75-100%
Question 3 of 8
What percentage of your Change and Project roles are slashie? (if not a hiring manager/recruiter, share from your experience of the Change market)
Question 4 of 8
When will you need to secure resources for your 2025 projects and transformations?
A) Now
B) Jan/Feb
C) March
D) April and beyond
E) N/A - I'm not a hiring manager/recruiter
Question 5 of 8
Are you prioritising methodology or practical application in your Change and Project talent? (if not a hiring manager/recruiter, share from your experience of the Change market)
A) Methodology
B) Practical application
C) Both
D) Don't know
Question 6 of 8
Anything else you'd like to add?
Question 7 of 8
Any feedback on the webinar or ideas for improvement?
Question 8 of 8
What was your best thing from the webinar replay (something you found interesting, insightful or just enjoyed)?