I'm revealing my profitable secrets to pricing your work to attract ideal clients

change consultant consulting pricing May 26, 2024
Lata in a pink top smiling; text: profitable secrets to pricing

When you become an independent Change Consultant, pricing your work is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. You want to make enough money to be profitable, but you also want to attract dream clients who are happy to pay those rates. 


Here’s my top profitable secrets to pricing your consulting work to attract ideal clients:

#1 Stop trading time for money

Whether you’re employed or contracting, you are technically trading time for money. You’re working dedicated days/hours for a specific salary or day rate and will reach the employment market cap at some point. To find more freedom and flexibility with an uncapped income potential, you have to stop trading time for money and instead start trading value and outcomes for money.

#2 Know the consulting market

The employment market and the consulting market are two very different things. When you become an independent Change Consultant with your own business, it’s essential to price yourself properly in line with the consulting market to cover the costs of running your business and no longer having a consistent salary. For example, when I moved to my consultancy full-time, overnight I tripled my day rate. 

#3 Pricing yourself too low can work against you

You might be tempted to offer bargain prices just to get clients in the door. But this can actually work against you as a consultant by watering down your perceived value, muddying your expertise versus a regular Change employee or contractor, and leaving clients wondering if you’re truly worth hiring. A "Veblen good" is where demand increases as the price increases, much like a diamond, and you want to position yourself in this space rather than a race to the bottom that potentially leads to burnout! It is also more likely to lead to ideal clients who value your expertise and time, rather than trying to screw you down on price.

#4 Avoid salaried consulting and agency fees

You might have opportunities to join other large or small consulting firms or get hired out through agencies. While there’s some potential benefits to this, it’s not the most profitable or strategically sustainable long-term strategy (I go into all the wins and watchouts in my Instant Change Consultant Retreat).

#5 Price packages instead of time

This is my top secret to having a profitable consulting business - put together packages of services you want to deliver and price the packages, rather than working day rate with your consulting clients. 

If you’re employed or a contractor in Change, you’re a set of hands, a bum in a seat, a head in the count, and a resource to be used. If you truly want to have your expertise valued and respected, you may need to show up differently and position yourself more strategically in the market. How? As an independent Change Consultant. 


You can choose your clients, choose your time, choose your rates, and choose your zone of genius. You might still pick up other roles and responsibilities - but it’s your choice AND you can charge appropriately and additionally for it. You have the control and freedom to choose the parameters of the work you deliver and the value you add, and have the broader influence and impact you know is possible! 

I’ll be teaching step-by-step how you can set yourself up as an independent Change Consultant in my advanced-level in-person retreat coming up in November. I’ll be sharing how to attract clients, package and price your services, build and manage strong client relationships, market and advertise your expertise, build your personal professional brand and most of all: develop a consulting mindset to have the clarity and confidence to own your boundaries and work on your terms. 

It's your last chance to join this exclusive, powerful and luxurious retreat in the Introductory Offer period with a complimentary VIP Upgrade. The Introductory Offer period ends Tuesday 28 May at 8.00pm AEST (Sydney time):

CLICK HERE to join my Instant Change Consultant Retreat with complimentary VIP Upgrade before the Introductory Offer deadline tonight

Lata xx

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