The Real Me: My personality is my power

authenticity change leadership confidence courage personality Mar 26, 2023
Lata in sunshine with hand on chin smiling; text: The Real Me: My personality is my power

YES I’M REAL! Once on LinkedIn, I got a lovely message saying how refreshing it was to see someone sharing content who seemed so real. I said: “Yep, I’m real.” 

Here’s the truth:


I’m not a fancy person.


I don’t wear make up every day.


Most of my clothes come from thrift shops - I have the money for new ones but my Indian body shape doesn’t often fit them…


I buy second-hand clothes in bright colours that fit me, look great, save the environment… and yes, are a bargain to boot.

I get worried about world events, the future of our planet, and what impact I can make.


At the same time, I want to build a life of wealth and luxury and joy, and live well.


I find it hard to balance these.

At work, I’ve been told I’m too smart, too authentic, and too positive... each in a different workplace.


I’ve been reprimanded for being ambitious, and bullied for being a potential threat (who me?).

I’ve started roles I’ve had no clue what to do (too many times!), worked on projects I have no expertise in (too many times!), rubbed stakeholders the wrong way (a couple of times), and worked my butt off to make it to launch (uh…every time?!).

As a Change Manager, I’ve gotten my hands dirty, built office chairs, taken on admin work, and been up at 3am to deliver new technology to a team.

I am lucky to be photogenic, and I love beauty and quality and real meaning - especially in my work, my content, and my courses.


So most of what you see from me is very polished - but it all comes from me and is an expression of who I really am.


My personality is my power.

And yours is too.



Leading with confidence in who you are, without apology, is a huge part of what I share and teach (not just the technical side of Change Management - which ironically is actually pretty hard to find!).

If we want to see positive change and make real impact, we must prepare ourselves to lead in a different way.


We can be the way-showers of what’s possible - and inspire others to experience change and challenge differently.


After all, aren’t we all just regular people, journeying together at this moment in history?

I’m proud to be a way-shower.


And tomorrow I’ll be helping other real-world way-showers step into their leadership and their light when we kick off the March Group Cohort of my Leading Successful Change program. 

It will be real.

It will be impactful.

It will be me.

And I invite you.


And yes - I have no make up on this photo = real.


All my belief, 


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