15 lies you've been told about working in Change Management Aug 09, 2022

When I started working in Change Management, I seriously knew pretty much nothing about Change...

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Why Project Managers and Change Managers have more in common than you think Jul 26, 2022

There's an infinite number of blog posts, articles and opinion pieces about the difference...

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4 reasons that Change and Training are a match made in heaven Jul 19, 2022

We know that Change Management is more than just comms.


It's: "Moving a group of...

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Change vs Comms: What's the difference? Jul 12, 2022

We Changies fall into the trap of everyone thinking we just do communications (abbreviated as ...

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Help! I'm not an IT Change Manager!! Jul 05, 2022

I once took a call from a recruiter and we spoke for at least 5 minutes before I realised we were...

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Why Change Management drives ways of working Jun 07, 2022

When COVID first hit, I was part of a large Change team in one of Australia’s biggest...

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Q&A from my "Engaging Hearts and Minds" webinar May 31, 2022

I'm about to wrap up May and this month's focus on "change engagement". Here's a few last Q&A...

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An Insider's Guide to Measuring Change Engagement May 24, 2022

Employee engagement surveys are a major part of measuring the success of a change, or even just...

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8 ways to keep stakeholders warm over a LONG change Apr 26, 2022

I've worked on changes than have gone for weeks, and others that have gone for YEARS. The change...

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How to map stakeholders for change Apr 19, 2022

Stakeholder mapping is a pretty useful process when you're running any change. Because not all...

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The stakeholders you forgot Apr 12, 2022

A while back, I wrote an article called "The Employees You Forgot" (read it here). These were the...

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