8 ways to keep stakeholders warm over a LONG change Apr 26, 2022

I've worked on changes than have gone for weeks, and others that have gone for YEARS. The change...

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How to map stakeholders for change Apr 19, 2022

Stakeholder mapping is a pretty useful process when you're running any change. Because not all...

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The stakeholders you forgot Apr 12, 2022

A while back, I wrote an article called "The Employees You Forgot" (read it here). These were the...

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What is Stakeholder Management really? Apr 05, 2022

As a Change Manager, Stakeholder Management is one of your top transferable skills AND one of...

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Secrets of Successful Contractors Mar 29, 2022

Moving to contracting has been perhaps the biggest factor in my rapid income growth... it...

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5 signs to know you're ready to move to Change Mar 22, 2022

When I went for my first Change Management role, at the end of the second interview I was pretty...

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6 Change trends you need to be prepared for Mar 01, 2022

The last two years have been tough, but it won't get any easier. In a world struck by uncertainty...

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From Change Analyst to Change Manager - what you need to know Feb 22, 2022

I get a lot of Changies through my doors (after all, I am a Change Leadership expert!). And it...

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