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Simple secrets to get leaders and teams switched on from the inside out.

Register to watch your "Engaging Hearts and Minds through Change" webinar replay and learn how to authentically influence for positive buy-in and impact.

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I’m Lata Hamilton. I've led change with some of Australia's biggest organisations on their most complex transformations. I help women carve their own paths for change in their career, leadership and life. I’m a Change Leadership and Confidence expert, the creator of the "Leading Successful Change" program, and the Founder & CEO of Passion Pioneers.



Conflict, resistance and disengagement from your key stakeholders or teams can derail any business initiative, project or transformation and make it hard to have the positive impact you want. If you're the one leading or supporting the change, it can be frustrating, demoralising and draining.


But what if you knew the secrets to:

  • Switching people on?
  • Getting them aligned, excited and on board with your plans and ideas?
  • Opening their minds to the possibilities for themselves and others?
  • And sharing, connecting and celebrating along the way?


As a Change Leadership and Confidence expert, that's what I'll be covering in this 1-hour webinar on "Engaging Hearts and Minds through Change". I'll be bringing in everything from my years of experience leading change with some of Australia's biggest companies. I've worked on changes that have impacted over 100,000 people, operating model changes impacting thousands, global cultural transformations straddling continents, and digital transformation that is literally changing the way that we work. Oh, and did I mention I'm an accredited Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and a trained Executive Coach? I bring it all in to my change leadership and wow, does it make a magical difference!


I'll look at the barriers you face to having the kind of influence and impact you want in the workplace. And provide practical, easy solutions to start switching on the hearts and minds of your stakeholders and teams so you can get them on board and confident to follow you to your future plans and goals.


You'll get:

  • An understanding of why conflict, resistance and disengagement occurs at a psychological and emotional level
  • Key approaches used in Change Management to align stakeholders and teams
  • Practical tools and tips you can use in your own authentic style to start winning hearts and minds with your communications, training and support activities


Webinar details:

Date: Wednesday 18 May 2022

Time: 6.00pm-7.00pm AEST (Sydney time)

Join online via: Zoom




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Here's what people are saying:

Lata is so infectious with her abundance of passion, energy, and motivation! She willingly shares her depth of change management knowledge as an expert practitioner with all. Lata's collaborative and pragmatic approach ensures her content is accessible, easy to understand, and effective to enable success. Lata inspires and produces results!

~ Lia Friso, Sydney

Change Management session with Lata I attended recently was lead with great focus not only on day to day change management matters and most difficult challenges on the job, but also practical approach to starting in change management and what to expect from the market.

Curious and fun, insightful and precise, great at connecting the dots for the audience, workshop presented with ease and confidence, no fuss or unnecessary formality differentiating her in the crowd as a kind, enthusiastic person.
I'd love to continue learning from her and would be honoured to work with her in future.

~ Kaska Przybylska, Poland

Lata has created some amazing workshops and content for Change Management. It’s great to see someone sharing their wealth of knowledge and helping budding Change Managers in the industry. Love and admire your work, Lata.

~ Megha Yadav, Melbourne

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