My Word of the Year for 2023
Jan 03, 2023
Hey lovely,
I'm technically still on summer holiday break but I wanted to drop in to share a little of my inner world with you before I'm officially back in business.
I don't know about you, but for me 2022 was heavy.
Like REALLY heavy.
I think it was best summed up by the words of Psychologist and Speaker, Naomi Holdt:
“No one I know began this year [2022] on a full tank. Given the vicious onslaught of the previous two years (let’s just call it what it was) most of us dragged ourselves across the finish line of 2021… frazzled, spent, running on aged adrenaline fumes…
We crawled into 2022 still carrying shock, trauma, grief, heaviness, disbelief… The memories of a surreal existence…
And then it began… The fastest hurricane year we could ever have imagined. Whether we have consciously processed it or not, this has been a year of more pressure, more stress, and a race to “catch up” in all departments… Every. Single. One. Work, school, sports, relationships, life… "
I posted Naomi's full article to my LinkedIn profile (read it here and if we're not connected yet, feel free to shoot me a connection request on LinkedIn).
But add to Naomi's description of this global experience exhaustion: the organ transplant of a partner, months spent visiting hospital, and the diagnosis and surgery of my own chronic condition (more on this later), and you get a pretty good picture of my 2022.
And then, of course, holidays and hangovers, parties and presents, expectations and events, family reunions and new year resolutions, pile on to this heaviness with overstimulation and overwhelm.
I'm not usually a "Word of the Year" kind of gal, but for some reason as 2022 neared to an end, I just kept hearing a little inner voice telling me the word: "Light".
When I did sit down to do some 2023 goal setting, I drew a card from Alana Fairchild's stunning "Sacred Rebels Oracle" deck that I'd discovered on a business energy retreat in September and gifted myself for Christmas (see it here).
Would you believe it, the card I drew was: "Focus on the Light."
It was decided.
"Light" would be my word of the year for 2023.
"Light" has so many meanings, from feeling light in your body (rather than bloated and heavy, sore and tight), to shining in full force and being visible (like stepping on stage into a spotlight), to being light in spirit (think: lighthearted), to being good and pure (heroes are often represented by white and light), and even spiritually (in many religions and spiritual practices, "light" refers to the creator or a universal power).
The concept of "Light" isn't new to me or my message. "Step into your leadership and your light" is a common phrase I use to inspire my followers, students and clients. And as I love to practice what I preach, I guess 2023 is my year to step into my light, your light, our light and THE light.
Because regardless of the challenges and heaviness of 2022, there's another meaning of light that I think is very fitting: the hope of easier and happier times (as in: the light at the end of the tunnel).
I have much hope, much optimism, and much belief for 2023, and I'm embracing the word "Light" as my Word of the Year. Shoot me a DM on LinkedIn and let me know your word for 2023 and keep an eye out tomorrow for a special New Year offer from me.
Welcome to 2023. May it brings you LOTS of light.
Lata xx
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