6 Change trends you need to be prepared for
Mar 01, 2022
The last two years have been tough, but it won't get any easier. In a world struck by uncertainty and challenge, you'll have your hands full keeping your projects and teams ticking along at all, let alone successfully.
When it comes to people, resistance is not always rational, emotions are not always explainable, and change success is not always guaranteed.
This isn't something to be feared. It's something to be revered. For you are the one who can show the way for your leaders and teams, to be a bright light and support them where it matters most, when it matters most.
But you need to be prepared so you can actually lead into the future with confidence!
Here are 6 trends in Change that you need to be prepared for:
TREND #1: Ways of working not plans
More and more companies are moving to Agile ways of working, where the operating model is less hierarchical, and plans less rigid and more feedback-focused. The constant challenges and changes mean companies need to pivot quickly, adopt new technology sustainably, and bring people on the journey not just in the tasks they do, but also in the way they do those tasks. This doesn't mean plans are out the window, it just means you need to manage expectations better and be flexible in timing, delivery method, and outcomes.
TREND #2: Transformation a must-have not a nice-to-have
If you've had projects and programs stall or move at a snail's pace over the last couple of years due to COVID, expect things to ramp up again. Society is starting to reach its tether of acceptable downtime and with the move back to the office (for Australia, at least!), there will be some major expectations on you to deliver fast and deliver well on priority projects.
TREND #3: Skills, not tools
Change used to be very focused on filling out an outrageous number of templates but now you are being measured not by the delivery you complete, but by the value you add through problem-solving, relationship-building, and meaning-making. Change is becoming less about tools, and more about the people and leadership skills that are essential to get projects on track and people ready as quickly as possible.
TREND #4: Transferable not industry-specific
Have you noticed "Financial Services experience essential" is becoming less common on Change job ads? That's because more industries are beginning to realise the value and power of Change, AND even in Financial Services, the sheer volume of change that needs supporting sometimes can't be met by current Change resources. There's never been a better time to move to Change or swap industries within Change, because the fight for talent means companies often can't be as choosy, and complexity means they need new perspectives to solve problems.
TREND #5: Leadership not management
I talk about this a lot - management is about problems, while leadership is about people. The answers to our challenges won't be in fighting fires, but in empowering and unlocking the potential of our people to cope with uncertainty AND deliver successfully beyond it. It's not Change Management any more - it's Change Leadership.
TREND #6: Fit-for-purpose, practical Change Management not bouncing-ball methodology
Perhaps the culmination of all of these is a different way of approaching Change Management completely. There won't be one path to deliver change. You won't be able to complete all the templates or meet all the stakeholders or tick all the boxes. You'll need to be flexible, decisive, and focused on the things that will give your project and leaders the most bang for buck. This will be different for every change, but when you're prepared to approach Change this way, you'll feel ready and confident no matter what.
So I guess my question is: are you ready?
How many of these trends are you prepared for?
My free Change Tools Masterclass is coming up in March, filled with brand-new future-focused content and everything you need to be prepared to lead change in 2022 - whether you're just starting out or a seasoned practitioner.
CLICK HERE to find out more and register your free spot on my Change Tools Masterclass
And remember to share what you'd like covered in the Masterclass via the short survey - I always co-create and I will literally make sure that what's top of mind for you is absolutely answered.
There's too much riding on this year - and we are the ones to pave the way.
Lata xx
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