Creating energetic space to make more money by working less

change consultant confidence income Jul 21, 2024
Lata in a pink top making a surprised face; text: creating energetic space for money

I like to say there’s two mindset shifts in Change Management. The first mindset shift is making the move from salaried employment to day rate contracting. You start to value your time completely differently. The second mindset shift is making the move from day rate contracting to consulting. This is where you start to value yourself completely differently. 


When you move from day rate contracting to consulting, it can be really tempting to just keep working the same as you used to - i.e. full-time, five days a week, eight hours a day. But then - your mindset hasn’t really shifted. The whole point of becoming an independent consultant is to have MORE control and power and choice over your clients, your schedule and your rates. This means making more money by working less. And to do this, and to break your old mindset, you might need to create some energetic space. 


Here’s some ideas for how to do this:


1. Set up your office for consulting

When you want to feel like a true business owner, having the right space is important. Think about the type of message and feeling you want to convey as a business, and the type of feeling you want to have as you grow that business. Position, decorate and stationer-ise (not a word!) your office to suit. It doesn’t matter if it’s at home, in a co-working space, or your own business digs. For me, it’s a home office because I love having the freedom and flexibility of starting and finishing work on and off through the day (I’ll usually sit down at my desk at 10am, break at midday for lunch, do client meetings and workshops in the afternoon, take an afternoon nap, walk or adventure, and do social media engagement, student coaching calls or webinars in the evening). 


2. File away old employment records and work

Anything related to your past jobs like contracts, tax returns, documents, merchandise, identity cards and the like, file away. Have a designated folder or spot that’s outside your consulting space so the area inside is just for your business records (my old employment records are in the lounge, allowing my home office to be solely business). Same goes for your digital space - file everything in an “Employment” folder and set up a new folder for your “Consulting” work. It’s little symbolic things like this that tell the universe you’re ready for clients and help to clearly delineate your old life and your new. If you’re a decluttering diva, you could also throw out or delete old files and documents but personally I like to keep my records and legally you might need to! 


3. Dream about the kind of lifestyle you want

The uncapped income potential may be a key factor in deciding to become an independent consultant, but often it’s actually the flexibility and freedom that’s a bigger draw card. Working for yourself means you can decide your best schedule for the life and lifestyle you want to lead. This might be flexibility in your day, your week, your month or your year. I have flexibility in my day as I shared already. But I also write and create content on Sundays, and take off blocks of weeks or months a year for travel, relaxation, or business planning. Thinking about your perfect consulting lifestyle can absolutely open up the space and the motivation to make more money by working less.


4. Update your LinkedIn profile header to “Change Management Consultant”

Your LinkedIn header isn’t your current role - it’s whatever and however you want to position yourself. So start stepping into the identity of the person you want to become and put “Change Management Consultant” into your header today. It shifts the energy of one of your key professional platforms and lets clients know you’re open for business.


5. Remove or mark yourself inactive on job search sites

It’s hard for the universe to bring you consulting clients when you still have lots of clues and commands that you want to be employed. If you’re marked as actively looking for roles on job search sites like Seek, Indeed or LinkedIn Jobs. Consulting work doesn’t usually come through these platforms - I share when consulting leads do come from in my Instant Change Consultant Retreat. 


6. Tell people you’ll be moving to independent consulting

I knew I wanted to be an independent consultant several months before I actually become one. I did my research and learned from people who’d done it before. And once I gave notice at my last contract role, in my last few weeks I openly and transparently shared I wanted to start my own consultancy. Owning it helps open up the space of the person and professional you want to be. 

In my Instant Change Consultant Retreat, I share how to start or grow your own independent Change Consultancy so you can lead change on your terms and be there for the moments that matter most. But the major theme and thread through the whole weekend is the consulting mindset and helping you make this shift so you can set yourself up confidently as a consultant.


There's just 1 week left to join my Instant Change Consultant Retreat. **On Wednesday 31 July 2024, the Early Bird offer ends and the retreat investment will be going up by $2,000 AUD.**


When you join the retreat, you'll also get instant access to my Leading Successful Change course, filled with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Coaching tools and techniques to take your change leadership to the next level and get incredible engagement and results for your clients and projects. Joining now means you’ll be able to complete the 6-week LSC course before attending the retreat: click here for more info and to join the retreat before Early Bird ends and the investment goes up


Lata xx

P.S. Remember - the Early Bird offer for my Instant Change Consultant Retreat ends on Wednesday 31 July 2024 and the retreat investment will be increasing. To get in at the Early Bird price and save $2,000, join the retreat today: click here to join

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