The introvert's guide to changing careers

career change career progression change management Mar 09, 2025
Lata Hamilton in a pink top smiling; text: introvert's guide to career change

Changing careers can be scary for anyone, but I think for introverts it can feel even tougher. 


Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a 100% die-hard extrovert. Yes, I speak on stages, show up online, go to networking events, run retreats, and stand at the front of the room to train senior leaders and facilitate workshops for my consulting clients. But I was a super shy kid, I read a lot, spent a lot of time on my own, and always had just a handful of close friends. My teachers got me into public speaking to help me build confidence and come out of my shell, and after high school I actively pushed myself to go to events and meet people until it became easier to do. I really enjoy it - but it sure does tire me out energetically and I often need quiet alone to reboot and recharge after a conference or event. I’d call myself an ambivert now, as I can switch on extroversion and tap into introversion when I want.


When changing careers, you often think you have to be outgoing, bubbly and funny to have a shot at jobs and interviews, so here’s a few fast tips to feel more comfortable through the process.

Ask your closest friends why they love being your friend

I remember Simon Sinek once talking about this concept - asking your friends what they love about being friends with you. Sometimes introverts find it hard to speak proudly and positively about themselves to others, especially strangers. So finding out the qualities that friends like about you are probably the same qualities that make you a great employee means you can take those transferable traits to any career.

Network online 

While I love seeing people in real life at networking events and conferences, I deeply value and honour the connections I’ve made online, especially on LinkedIn. Going to networking events of your new industry’s peak body or association (for example, for Change Management this is the Change Management Institute) is a great way to meet potential employers and recruiters. But if walking into a roomful of strangers gives you shivers, there’s no reason you can’t find some of those same people who attended the last event and introduce yourself virtually.

Prime before interviews

This works well for anyone but especially for introverts and especially before changing careers. You can use power poses, anchors, pumped up music - whatever you need to get high vibe. I cover these in detail in my LSC course but a good place to start is Amy Cuddy’s popular TED Talk - Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are.

Understand your strengths

One of the topics in my Leading Successful Change program that I love and believe is an absolute game-changer is the work we do on personality types. When you understand your personality type (and which type of introvert you are), you can better lean into your strengths and make these transferable skills and qualities for your career change.

Get the support of a coach or community

Again, sometimes to get out of your own head and see yourself for the absolute superstar that you really are, working with a coach or joining a supportive community can provide an objective third-party opinion on how ready you are for your career change or how to best close any gaps. Getting the support of others can help you build the confidence and awareness of your expertise to go for your career change. Introverts can make some of the best Change Managers! 

Build rest time after applying for jobs or attending interviews

Recognise that you may need time to reboot and recharge and that’s ok. Rather than going straight from an incredibly energy-focused or social activity, carve time out to take a walk, have a coffee, meditate or just chill to rejuvenate before you tackle the next part of your day.

I’ll be sharing more about how I made the career change to Change Management in my free Change Tools Masterclass. We kicked off today and Video 1 is already out. It’s a week-long magical experience so register now and join in the masterclass journey.


CLICK HERE to register your free spot on my Change Tools Masterclass


All my belief, 


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