Last week, I shared about an amazing team conference I went to.
And I told it as a...
One of my very favourite memories was a team conference I attended really early on in my...
In Change Management, we often talk about getting our stakeholders to "buy in" to the change....
I've worked on changes than have gone for weeks, and others that have gone for YEARS. The change...
Stakeholder mapping is a pretty useful process when you're running any change. Because not all...
A while back, I wrote an article called "The Employees You Forgot" (read it here). These were the...
As a Change Manager, Stakeholder Management is one of your top transferable skills AND one of...
Moving to contracting has been perhaps the biggest factor in my rapid income growth... it...
When I went for my first Change Management role, at the end of the second interview I was pretty...
I've helped a LOT of women make the move to a career in Change Management. And a pretty...
One of the top 6 trends in Change I've identified for 2022 is "Skills not Tools". What does this...
The last two years have been tough, but it won't get any easier. In a world struck by uncertainty...
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