Can a Change Manager ever be in the communications spotlight? Apr 07, 2024

We often talk about leader-led change in Change Management, but does that mean that Change...

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Decluttering communication channels for your teams during change Apr 02, 2024

Communication is absolutely essential during organisational change, but unfortunately it can be a...

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The Bridgerton-style Guide to making your change comms pop Mar 25, 2024

I adore Bridgerton and am I counting down the days until Season 3 is released? YES I AM!



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Grow a solid Change Management career by choosing the best Change courses Mar 17, 2024

"It's the course I wish I'd done when I started in Change Management." 


If I had a...

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The Change Manager's Guide to working with recruiters for easy magical roles Mar 10, 2024

Working with recruiters is one of the best kept secrets of a Change Management career, and doing...

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Myth busting on changing careers Feb 18, 2024

When you’re thinking of changing careers, it’s common to start thinking up all the...

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Word of the Year for 2024 Jan 02, 2024

I was never really a “Word of the Year” type of gal but for some reason last year the...

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3 effortless ways for reflecting on your career year Dec 03, 2023

As a Change Manager and a Coach, I love reflecting on my lessons learned and ideas for...

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Essential toolkit for applying for Change Management roles Nov 26, 2023

When going for a new role in Change Management (or any role for that matter!), what are the...

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Simple life-changing hacks for using stories in job interviews Nov 19, 2023

Stories are one of the most powerful tools for leading change (see my blog post on The Power of...

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7 wise ideas for making job hunting more relaxed Nov 13, 2023

If you’re looking for a new job right now, you are in the PERFECT place. Come New Year,...

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One woman's journey to bouncing back from job loss Nov 06, 2023

I remember the time I had no job like it was yesterday. That moment of panic, that fear of losing...

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