I'm sharing my must-haves for keeping virtual training engaging Oct 29, 2023

When leading change, training is a major part of getting your teams ready for go live. With our...

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Save time, ask an expert: what goes in a showcase deck? Oct 22, 2023

One of the best parts of being a Change Manager is celebrating progress and success along the...

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Recapturing your love of Change by delegating to Change Analysts Oct 15, 2023

We Change Managers love to sink our teeth into a change and be all things to all people. It often...

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Is it ever too late to do change impacts? Oct 03, 2023

The Change Impact Assessment is probably the most well-known and attention-attracting of all the...

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How smart women become change advisors instead of change managers Sep 17, 2023

I’m a lot like you - I care so much about helping people and making a real impact in the...

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Save time and money by negotiating remote work Sep 10, 2023

If COVID taught us one thing, it’s that remote work is here to stay. And while there are...

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What Baby Boomers can teach us about staying relevant Sep 03, 2023

In June this year, the Wall Street Journal reported that many Baby Boomers are struggling to...

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6 tricks to avoid over-delivering at launch Aug 20, 2023

Project launches can be absolutely crazy times when it’s all hands on deck, there’s...

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How to plan for holidays and events around project launches Aug 13, 2023

When you’re working in Change Management, you’ll often be working on projects. And...

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Is it expensive to do creative launches? Aug 06, 2023

When a project is going live with its new solution or “thing”, us Change Managers...

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Quit your to-do list and spend more time prioritising Jul 30, 2023

There’s nothing I love more than a to-do list. That practice of writing down or typing a...

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You're worthy of getting a break between contracts Jul 23, 2023

What do you do when you're asked to start a new job/contract/project/transformation really...

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