Stop! Do this before your project launches its clunky solution Aug 25, 2024

As Change Managers, we can often be stuck working on projects that are delivering clunky...

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Different types of launches in Change Management Aug 18, 2024

It’s Launch Month, where I focus on all things go live and launch in Change Management. But...

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6 tricks to avoid over-delivering at launch Aug 20, 2023

Project launches can be absolutely crazy times when it’s all hands on deck, there’s...

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How to plan for holidays and events around project launches Aug 13, 2023

When you’re working in Change Management, you’ll often be working on projects. And...

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The coolest trick I know for getting Change Champions motivated for launch Apr 04, 2023

I’ve just wrapped up my March Change Tools Masterclass launch, and launches are a super...

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Launches and Food: How to win hearts through stomachs Oct 25, 2022

It’s no secret that I’m a foodie and food is such an important part of my life that I...

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25 creative ideas for project launches Oct 18, 2022

Launches are an essential part of Change (if you don't believe me, see last week's blog post on ...

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Why Change Management needs launches Oct 11, 2022

I absolutely love launches and they are beyond a doubt my favourite time in an organisational...

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