Launches and Food: How to win hearts through stomachs Oct 25, 2022

It’s no secret that I’m a foodie and food is such an important part of my life that I...

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25 creative ideas for project launches Oct 18, 2022

Launches are an essential part of Change (if you don't believe me, see last week's blog post on ...

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Why Change Management needs launches Oct 11, 2022

I absolutely love launches and they are beyond a doubt my favourite time in an organisational...

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Is it really worth investing in Change Management? Sep 27, 2022

There is so much change and transformation at the moment (and like, pretty much always!) and it's...

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3 ways to map meaningful benefits for change Sep 20, 2022

Change Management without results will struggle to stand up, prove its worth and earn its seat at...

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All My Belief: The story behind my email sign off Aug 23, 2022

One of the questions I didn’t have time to answer on my Live Workshop + Q&A was this:


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