My top 3 tips for ensuring adoption after go live Aug 04, 2024

What are my 3 top tips for ensuring adoption from stakeholders, leaders and teams of the change...

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Save time, ask an expert: what goes in a showcase deck? Oct 22, 2023

One of the best parts of being a Change Manager is celebrating progress and success along the...

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Is it ever too late to do change impacts? Oct 03, 2023

The Change Impact Assessment is probably the most well-known and attention-attracting of all the...

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5 fascinating facts about MVPs Aug 27, 2023

MVP (Minimum Viable Product in design and development, not Most Valuable Player in sports!) is...

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Quit your to-do list and spend more time prioritising Jul 30, 2023

There’s nothing I love more than a to-do list. That practice of writing down or typing a...

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Behind the curtains of watermelon projects May 09, 2023

When I first heard the term “watermelon project” last year I laughed out loud…...

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The Ultimate Checklist for choosing a Change course Nov 29, 2022

If I had a dollar for every time that someone asked me what Change course they should do, I'd...

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25 creative ideas for project launches Oct 18, 2022

Launches are an essential part of Change (if you don't believe me, see last week's blog post on ...

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Why Change Management needs launches Oct 11, 2022

I absolutely love launches and they are beyond a doubt my favourite time in an organisational...

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Is it really worth investing in Change Management? Sep 27, 2022

There is so much change and transformation at the moment (and like, pretty much always!) and it's...

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3 ways to map meaningful benefits for change Sep 20, 2022

Change Management without results will struggle to stand up, prove its worth and earn its seat at...

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Change Success vs Project Success: What's the difference? Sep 13, 2022

Most Change Management occurs in the project space, so it's easy to assume that Change success...

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