Avoid these pitfalls when you're talking about Change Management Jun 18, 2023

Change Management is one of the fastest-growing professions and it’s no surprise why. In a...

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5 canny ways for bringing your whole self to work Jun 11, 2023

So much of a Change Manager’s job is to build deep and trusting relationships with their...

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My gift to you: my system for running an accountability workshop Jun 04, 2023

Sometimes on a change, it can be hard to get decisions and approvals in a timely manner and in...

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How to create a shared language to support your transformation Apr 17, 2023

Communication is everything when it comes to leading change effectively. I love to define things...

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Communicating with a narcissist personality at work Apr 11, 2023

I talk about myself A LOT. Stories about my career, life, experiences and opinions are pretty...

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The coolest trick I know for getting Change Champions motivated for launch Apr 04, 2023

I’ve just wrapped up my March Change Tools Masterclass launch, and launches are a super...

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The Real Me: My personality is my power Mar 26, 2023

YES I’M REAL! Once on LinkedIn, I got a lovely message saying how refreshing it was to see...

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Give yourself permission to add "Change Leadership" to your LinkedIn Mar 12, 2023

Change Management is an absolute buzz word and amidst layoffs and job loss, redundancies and...

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The Ultimate Checklist for choosing a Change course Nov 29, 2022

If I had a dollar for every time that someone asked me what Change course they should do, I'd...

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Before you build change capability: READ THIS! Nov 15, 2022

There's a lot of people out there who think they know what Change Management is or they've...

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5 ways to make Change Management make sense Nov 08, 2022

Not everyone's an expert in Change Management, and you'll come across a lot of people who...

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6 Months in Hospital: Here's What I've Learnt Nov 01, 2022

I've spent most of this year in hospital. 


Nope, not for me. 


For my...

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