Steal my ideas for making over $100,000 without leaving the house Jul 28, 2024

While many people assume I’m an extrovert because I go to networking events, speak at...

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Creating energetic space to make more money by working less Jul 21, 2024

I like to say there’s two mindset shifts in Change Management. The first mindset shift is...

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The secret to surviving slashie Change Management roles Jul 07, 2024

In April, I shared the concept of a “slashie” role, a term I coined on a webinar in...

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I'm revealing my profitable secrets to pricing your work to attract ideal clients May 26, 2024

When you become an independent Change Consultant, pricing your work is one of the biggest...

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Little known workarounds for keeping your consulting mindset strong May 19, 2024

When you’re going into a new client or project as a Change Management Consultant, your...

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Change Manager vs Change Consultant: What's the difference? May 12, 2024

Ever since I became a Change Consultant, I’ve had people curious about what it is I do and...

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The chilled way for building change capability in a team Sep 24, 2023

Change Management is one of the best transferable skills out there because every leader leads...

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How smart women become change advisors instead of change managers Sep 17, 2023

I’m a lot like you - I care so much about helping people and making a real impact in the...

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Save time and money by negotiating remote work Sep 10, 2023

If COVID taught us one thing, it’s that remote work is here to stay. And while there are...

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What Baby Boomers can teach us about staying relevant Sep 03, 2023

In June this year, the Wall Street Journal reported that many Baby Boomers are struggling to...

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You're worthy of getting a break between contracts Jul 23, 2023

What do you do when you're asked to start a new job/contract/project/transformation really...

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How to make more money by working 4 days per week Jul 18, 2023

As a Change Management Consultant, I now work for myself and decide my days, hours and services I...

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